Nordenfelt Beta 0.14 Released
The second beta version of Nordenfelt, version 0.14, went online today.
This is what has changed since the last version:
- added rank system
- added score multiplier gauge
- added support for joypad
- added pause menu
- added score popups
- added auto-equip on equipment purchase
- moved boss health display to top of screen
Test It
Give the demo a try (download it here) or get the full game from the sales page. Use one of the following coupon codes to get the game for free:
If you’ve already redeemed a coupon code, please use the download links in the purchase email you’ve got back then. The links are the same.
I’ll send out a new email with install instructions within the next 24 hours.
Survey for Feedback
I’ve set up a short survey (5 minutes) with the most important questions for your feedback:
I’m looking forward to your opinions.
In the case you (just) want to get informed when the final game is out, consider subscribing to the game’s email newsletter. There’s also @nordenfeltgame you can follow to stay tuned.
P.S.: This is a cross-post from