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Do It Badly

Do It Badly

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” In the past, whenever I had to do graphics for Nordenfelt, I wanted to make them super fancy. I spent hours and hours just to make a single sprite as impressive as possible. To be honest: I don’t think it ever worked out. The problem with perfectionism

Free copies of book “Game Project Completed”

Free copies of book “Game Project Completed”

This post was originially posted on reddit. As soon as I hit the publish button the post got removed. No clue why. Therefore I share it here. I’ve written my 2nd book called Game Project Completed. It’s about how to get game projects finished. Now I’m curious what’s the people’s opinion about this book. Therefore I

Black Golem 2.0

Black Golem 2.0

After a long a time away I’m coming back to It was time to update the whole site, especially because it ran on an antique Joomla version. It’s age made it easy for hackers to infested the old site with spam links. I’m curious how hackers get into systems like web servers that easy. If

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